Managing Acne Flare-ups

Are you suffering from acne? Dr. Sonya Campbell and the team at Dermatology Associates of Tipton, Batesville & Indianapolis, IN, are committed to helping you achieve and maintain clearer skin.

6 Tips for Managing Acne Flare-Ups

We all deal with acne from time to time, and it doesn’t stop when the teen years end. Even as adults, stress, certain medications, environmental factors, some hygiene products, and other factors can lead to a breakout. When it does, there are some steps you can take to help clear your skin and reduce the irritation. Dr. Campbell and the team at Dermatology Associates of Tipton, Batesville & Indianapolis, IN, share some of the most effective tips below.

1. Don’t Avoid Cleansing

Flare-ups can be uncomfortable and make you not want to touch your face, but keeping your skin clean is crucial. Use a non-abrasive cleanser that is alcohol-free.

Also, avoid using any type of tool, such as washcloths or exfoliating pads, as these can cause additional irritation. Instead, use your fingers to wash your face at least twice a day and after any time you sweat.

2. Don’t Overlook Your Hair

The hair has natural oils that can build up and roll down to your face. While keeping your hair clean is always important, it can be especially so when dealing with a flare-up.

3. Don’t Touch

Aside from cleansing your skin, keep your hands off of it. Don’t pick at or squeeze the bumps, as this can lead to additional irritation and prolong your flare-up.

4. Give Your Skin Time to Breathe

If you regularly wear makeup, it’s best to avoid it during flare-ups. If you’re going to wear any, take it off and cleanse your skin once you get home. Allowing your skin time to breathe and not have to combat additional products can help clear your flare-up more quickly.

5. Take Care of Yourself

Flare-ups can be caused as much by what’s going on inside your body as by external factors. Eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, practicing stress management techniques, and keeping your blood pumping through exercise can play important roles in preventing and clearing acne.

6. Visit Your Dermatologist

When cleansing and other methods don’t work, you might be tempted to try new products. However, this could make things worse. Instead, visit your dermatologist for help finding the best products, as well as any prescription medications or other techniques you might need.

Let Dr. Campbell and the team at Dermatology Associates of Tipton, Batesville & Indianapolis, IN, help you prevent and clear acne to achieve the skin you love. Call (317) 257-1484 to schedule an appointment today.

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