When To See a Dermatologist for Hair Loss: Early Signs and Red Flags

Work closely with Dr. Sonya Campbell Johnson of Dermatology Associates to manage your hair loss in Indianapolis, Tipton, and Batesville, IN.

What Are the Signs You Need Professional Intervention for Your Hair Loss?

Most of the time, hair loss is nothing to worry about. Seeing loose strands of hair on your pillow or shower floor is normal. Whatever hair loss you are experiencing at that point may also be quickly canceled out by your body’s natural response.

Unfortunately, specific instances of hair loss can also prove to be more significant. The type of hair loss you’re experiencing may no longer be considered normal. Instead, it may be symptomatic of an underlying condition that could lead to more significant hair loss in the near future.

So, how can you tell if your hair loss is a sign of trouble instead of a regular occurrence?

First, you should be more worried about your condition if you shed more hair than normal. It’s pretty easy to tell if your condition has worsened because the bigger clumps of hair should be noticeable. The chunks of hair should catch your eye as they gather on your shower drain. Your shedding may also be noticeable whenever you’re brushing.

Bald patches are also red flags that should prompt you to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. Have someone closely examine your scalp to check for bald spots that weren’t there previously.

Additional symptoms may include redness, irritation, and patches of scaly skin. You should also schedule an appointment with a dermatologist if your hairline has receded quite a bit.

Contact Dr. Johnson of Dermatology Associates if you need treatment for hair loss in Indianapolis, Tipton & Batesville, IN.

How Can a Dermatologist Manage Your Hair Loss?

Consulting a dermatologist is necessary if your hair loss has worsened. Medical intervention is necessary because, otherwise, you may never know the cause of your sudden hair loss. You won’t be able to treat that underlying condition until your dermatologist intervenes.

Your dermatologist can administer hair restoration treatments after addressing your underlying condition. They can present numerous options for restoring your hair. Medication is a potential solution for hair loss, especially if you catch it early. For more significant manifestations of hair loss, your dermatologist may recommend steroid injections, PRP injections, laser therapy, or transplants.

Count on your dermatologist to find the ideal and sustainable solution for your sudden hair loss.

Contact Us Today

Schedule your hair loss treatment sessions with Dr. Johnson of Dermatology Associates. Dial (317) 257-1484 to reach their Indianapolis, Tipton, or Batesville, IN, office.

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